3 Common Knee Injuries - Causes, Symptoms, Prevention And Treatment
Posted on 7th November 2023 at 10:53
Whether you're a dedicated runner, a sports enthusiast, or simply navigating the challenges of everyday life, we know that knee pain can be a real setback. At our clinic, we meet numerous clients struggling with knee pain every week, and it's not just the runners who face this issue. Knee problems can affect people from all walks of life, and contrary to popular belief, it's not always about wearing the wrong shoes or overexertion. Often, muscular imbalances, poor hip stability, or a weak core can be the root cause.
In this blog, we shed light on the three most common types of knee injuries, help you recognise their signs, and provide valuable tips to not only alleviate the pain now but also prevent it from returning in the future. Remember, if you're uncertain about the cause of your knee pain, our therapists are here to assess and assist you.
ITBS (Iliotibial Band Syndrome)
Weak hip muscles, especially the gluteus medius
Overpronation or poor foot biomechanics
Regular running on hills or cambered roads
Pain on the outside of the knee, worsening during activity
Discomfort while bending or straightening the leg
Pain on the outside of the knee beyond 45 degrees of flexion
Adequate warm-up before exercise
Stick to even surfaces; be cautious of road camber
Rest or cross-train to reduce ITB pressure
Sports massage to release tight muscles
Regular stretching and foam rolling
Strengthening exercises for the glutes
Jumper's Knee (Patella Tendinopathy)
Poor foot mechanics
Muscle imbalances
Incorrect training techniques
Tenderness below the kneecap
Swelling or puffiness around the knee due to inflammation
Aching or painful sensation while contracting quads or performing jumping exercises
Rest and ice to reduce initial pain and inflammation
Rehabilitation program incorporating strengthening exercises
Quadriceps stretching routines
Sports massage to alleviate thigh tension
Patellofemoral Syndrome (runner's knee)
Overuse or sudden increase in activity
High impact on the knee
Incorrect patella tracking due to muscle imbalances
Aching pain in the front of the knee, especially under the patella
Tenderness along the inside of the kneecap
Swelling post-exercise, worsening on hills or after prolonged sitting
Identify the root causes
Strengthen the Vastus Medialis (inside quad)
Regular quad stretching exercises
Apply PRICE principles (Protection, Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation) after exercise
Temporary cessation of activities worsening the pain
Consider a patella tracking knee brace or support
Taping the knee for added support during recovery
Remember, prevention is the best cure. Maintaining a balanced fitness routine, addressing muscle imbalances, and listening to your body are key to preventing these common knee injuries. Additionally, regular sports massages, taping, and targeted strengthening exercises can significantly contribute to your knee health.
If you're concerned about your knees, don't hesitate to reach out to us. We're here to help you stay active and pain-free. Happy exercising!
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